Epic Inks

Here you find the comprehensive Epic ink program available for your printing process. Please explore how to use the inks, in the dedicated PDF file. The PDF file can be accessed from the side menu or from the below archive

Epic Inks - Archive

Wilflex Epic Series

Wilflex Textures

Wilflex Revive

Wilflex Infinite

Wilflex Color Systems

Wilflex Low Cure Portfolio

Top Score Standard Colors

Performance UB Gray

Rival Sport LC Defender

MX Color Matching

Intense Kosmic Glo

Kosmic Glo


Process Yellow

Gold Glitter

Ultra Gold Shimmer

Gold Shimmer

Process Cyan

Process Magenta

One-Step Nylon Base

Echo UBG

Underbase Gray EU

PF Silver Shimmer

Yellow Sparkle

Silver Glitter

Imagebrite Met Plat Ref

Imagebrite Dk. Gray Ref​

Imagebrite Mid Gray Ref

Liquid Gold

Liquid Silver

SuperBond Adhesive

TFX Printable Adhesive

SuperGuard HT


Please follow the guide lines in the technical leaflet. Wrong or extensive use can give reduced printing properties of the ink and reduced use and washing properties of the finished ink film.

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