Standard Cliches

The cliché program from TAMPOPRINT contains high quality cliches in different materials, ceramic clichés, steel clichés, direct laser engraving cliches, photo-technology & washout cliches. All materials can be delivery in a variety of sizes with or without lock holes. We offer “do it yourself” systems and we offer print ready cliches. If you don’t find your clichés in the “range of cliches” please contact our sales team with your request.


Detaljeret information:

Range of clichés

Magnet-Screen cliché


Vi leverer også trykklare klichéer. Så hvis I ikke ønsker at fremstille klichéerne selv, kan vi hjælpe jer. Til det brug bedes I sende os en Vector-fil i høj opløsning samt en tegning, som viser motivets placering på klichéen.

